29-11-2021 / hannes.schwaiger
The EEA Nature-based Solutions in Europe Report No 1/2021 is now ready to download
Working with nature can help prevent the worst impacts of climate change, and biodiversity and ecosystem loss. The EEA report #1/2021 gathers and analyses policy, knowledge and practice from Europe in relation to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. It outlines i.a. the different concepts and terms developed in policy and sectoral discourses and in the scientific literature to describe approaches that work with nature and use nature as a tool to help address diverse societal challenges. It examines whether and how global and EU policy frameworks address the various nature-based solution options as tools for climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR). The report provides an overview of the scientific knowledge base on relevant extreme weather- and climate-related hazards, options for NbS for CCA and DRR, their multiple benefits, opportunities and limitations for implementation. Focus is on specific NbS options for sectors and thematic areas of societal importance: water management, forests and forestry, agriculture, urban areas, and coastal areas. Illustrations of how NbS is implemented in practice for the relevant sectors and thematic areas is provided both as a review of 97 selected cases based on a review of NbS knowledge platforms and in-depth analysis of 11 cases. The report also provides an overview of financing nature-based solutions, introducing economic, financial and business innovation instruments favouring the adoption of NbS. Finally, the report provides an overview of the different European NbS knowledge platforms.

A special session was organized during the ECCA 2021 conference ‘Nature as a solution – for resilience, mitigation and sustainable development, based on the finding of the report and inviting scientists and practitioners to discuss the policy support, (2) the knowledge base, (3) the applications and (4) the way ahead of NbS for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe. You can watch the session here. A list of valuable resources on this topic was collated by the organisers and speakers of the session. This material can be found here.

Marianne Zandersen (ETC/CCA and DCE-AU), and coordinator of REGREEN is one of the lead authors of this report, and co-organisers of the ECCA 2021 webinar.
For more information on the report or download options please click here.
Source: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/nature-based-solutions-in-europe