10-03-2020 / Regreen Project
About REGREEN Urban Living Labs activities
The three European Urban Living Labs (ULLs) -Aarhus, Paris region and Velika Gorica – form the basis for many of the activitives that are taking place within REGREEN, serving as testbeds for developed methods and tools. During the REGREEN kick-off meeting in Aarhus, the three ULL coordinators met with all other partners to discuss the activities that will be taking place within REGREEN and to see how that could be aligned with the focus and interest of each urban administration.
Following up on this, each ULL has identified potential stakeholders that could be involved within the REGREEN. Currently, for each ULL we are further in a process of developing an activity plan, outlining the different tasks taking place for each WP within each of the three ULLs. This involves identifying contact persons within the ULLs as well as the kind of resources needed. Both the stakeholder list and activity plan is documents that will be updated and revised during the course of the project and will help the ULLs to plan and manage the activities of REGREEN within their own organisation.
Some of the initial activities, that will enable us to understand situations in ULLs more deeply is mapping urban drivers and pressures, specific for each of the cities.
To get a full overiew of activities planned for each ULL click here.