REGREEN builds URBAN LIVING LABS (ULLs) as central elements of the project. 3 European (Aarhus, Paris, Velika Gorica) and 3 Chinese cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Ningbo) where ULLs will be established which differ in size, location, climate and socio-economic conditions as well as in their approaches and scales of applicating nature-based solutions. ULLs serve to apply and test novel ideas, methods and tools, developed by the project, in practice together with the local community – citizens, urban planners, businesses, decision makers and other stakeholders. The type of REGREEN activity and level of intensity to be carried out in each of 6 ULLs is summarized in the table below.
In addition to ULL cities, REGREEN will welcome new members on board. To foster unique exchange and learning process among cities REGREEN will launch a call for replication cities. Cities that clearly demonstrate their interest and potential for overcoming urban challenges through deployment of nature based solutions will become a part of REGREEN replication group, and thus gain full access to project partners and results.
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