Screenshot, Global Climathon Event 

17-11-2020 / hannes.schwaiger

Climathon Rijeka 2020 Green infrastructure

By Sandra Vlašić, Green Energy Cooperative, Coratia

The City of Rijeka in Croatia took part in the Global Climathon Event on the weekend – November 13-14th thus contributed to a global climate movement happening at the same time in more than 140 cities around the world! Climate Hackathon or Climathon is a global movement started 5 years ago by the EIT Climate- KIC, the largest European community of knowledge and innovation for climate. It is a movement of cities that see climate change as an opportunity to connect, bring together and collaborate cities and citizens, researchers, students, designers, developers, creatives and entrepreneurs around innovation and creative solutions to mitigate the challenges of climate change in the city.

Figure 1: Screenshot, Global Climathon Event 

In 24 hours, in the on-line format only, organized by the City of Rijeka development agency PORIN, the teams tried to solve the challenge of the city of Rijeka on how to improve the green infrastructure. The participants attended the introductory lectures by:

Thanks to the lecturers for the excellent introductory:
👩‍🏫 Silvia Nadj: Presentation of the project “Blue and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities”, Interreg Europe (Rijeka Development Agency Porin)
👩‍🏫 Sandra Vlasic: “Why is green infrastructure in cities more than decorations?”, H2020 project ReGreen (Green Energy Cooperative)


Out of the eight teams who got involved, the three teams finally submitted their solutions – ideas.  The three finalists are:
🏆 Green promenade – aimed at greening Rijeka waterfront and making it a green space for gathering of citizens.
🏆 Urban bee gardens – aimed at increasing gardens with flowers of Rijeka, suitable for bees and pollinators.
🏆 RIgreen- aimed at organizing a digital platform for citizens to gather and collaborate around greening their cities.

The evaluation committee started reviewing all submitted team materials and will subsequently decide on the final ranking of the teams.

Figure 2: Screenshot, Global Climathon Event 

The Green Energy Cooperative ZEZ, a partner in H2020 ReGREEN project is amongst the jury members and will remain connected in following-up with all three teams and their ideas, exploring the possibilities to help them towards realization.