30-11-2022 / hannes.schwaiger
Several scientists introduced their investigations at the Conference of URBIO-International Network Urban Biodiversity and Design: “Integrating Biodiversity in Urban Planning and Design Processes”, 28-30 November 2022 in Leipzig, Germany. (https://www.urbionetwork.com/publication-2022)
We brought in different perspectives to biodiversity and urban planning through our fields of research such as urban ecology, education and nature-based solutions, mapping and monitoring green infrastructure.

Picture: Julius Knopp
Of great value was the broad expertise that we presented for the REGREEN project through our diverse contributions.

Picture: Marcus Hedblom
We showed the audience our findings of the following studies:
High resolution mapping for urban green space composition, quality and accessibility – A case study of Aarhus, Denmark by Julius Knopp and Gregor Levin;
From landscape design to biodiversity-led design: insights from the Paris Region by Marc Barra and Gwendoline Grandin

Picture: Marc Barra by video call
Structural biodiversity in Leipzig and its impact on multiple ecosystem services, a pilot study for REGREEN by Ellen Banzhaf and Sebastian Elze
All in the session Special session of UFZ Resilient cities platform: Blue-green infrastructures and nature-based solutions for resilient cities, chaired by Ellen Banzhaf
In addition, the research on Design and management of nature-based solutions in urban plays settings: for co-existence between children and biodiversity was presented by Marcus Hedblom with support from Fredrika Mårtensson, Björn Wiström, Åsa Ode-Sang, Anna Litsmark, in the session Nature-based solutions and their multiple co-benefits linked to biodiversity aspects chaired by Julius Knopp

Picture: Ellen Banzhaf