05-02-2024 / hannes.schwaiger
Report: Valuing the health and wellbeing benefits of Nature based Solutions
by Ben Wheeler, University of Exeter, UK; Photo credit: Ben Wheeler
This part of REGREEN was designed to take a holistic approach to developing our understanding of the health and wellbeing values of nature based solutions, especially in the context of the Urban Living Labs. NbS are often undervalued because the holistic values across multiple domains (e.g. social, environmental, health) are not taken fully into account. Valuing benefits properly is required in order to inform decision-making, especially with increasing pressure on space and the use of terrestrial and aquatic systems. A key challenge is that, in the context of competition for space, it is much simpler to articulate and monetise the value of development of housing and other built infrastructure compared to the complexity and multiple functions of nature. Given their complexity, the health and wellbeing values of NbS are frequently undervalued, and therefore warrant a substantive focus in a project such as REGREEN.
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