17-12-2021 / hannes.schwaiger
Co-creation with children in the Alnarp Landscape Laboratory
By Frederika Mårtenson & Åsa Sang Ode, SLU
The Alnarp Landscape Laboratory is a 1:1 experimental woodland at the SLU Alnarp campus in Sweden (partner in REGREEN). It is open and accessible for the general public and is often visited by schools and nurseries in the vicinity. Within an MSc thesis Josefin Ågren and Linnea Herngren explored how landscape architects can create places that contribute to children’s contact with nature through the use of co-creation processes, see figure below. The process involved a school class with children aged 6 and took place over 3 months during October 2020 – January 2021. The co-creation process used as a starting point theories in environmental sciences about how children play and explore nature, where play is seen as a mean for children to understand their surroundings.
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